Chuck Gerard Basic Needs Fund

Chuck Gerard was a dedicated staff and volunteer of White Bird Clinic for over 3 decades and was dedicated to supporting individuals who were unserved and underserved in our community. His life’s work was to create a safety net of services below the community safety net for those who were being failed by the existing systems of care. He also was a key coordinator for White Bird Clinic’s Rock Medicine program and coordinated this team with care, compassion, and humor at every event. Chuck was teacher, counselor, crisis intervention specialist, and clown all at the same time and he left an impression on all of those that he interacted with.

In Chuck’s memory, White Bird Rock Medicine has established this philanthropic fund to support non-profits that are dedicated to serving those in need with a focus on serving individuals from historically marginalized communities. Each year we will dedicate a majority of the money we raise from our event medicine work to this fund and will select projects and agencies who align with our core values to support. Thus building on the over 50 years of service and support for individuals at the events we serve at and individuals in need of care here in our own community.