Event Emergency Management
WBRM brings decades of working with local authorities and event producers to establish clear and comprehensive emergency management plans for events of all sizes. This includes both internal and external considerations that prioritize participant safety and often exceed established city, county, and state guidelines for concerts, events, and mass gatherings.
Medical and Crisis Response
WBRM offers a diverse set of services that can be specifically designed to meet the unique needs and challenges of each event. We work with each event to establish a clear level of service based on the event, the location, the expected gate, and the anticipated needs of the participants. We will adjust our staffing patterns and requirements based on this level of service plan.
Additionally, our medical and crisis response teams blend behavioral health and medical professionals to provide a wholistic response that can meet each individual where they are at. This ensures that each person we respond to receives the comprehensive care and individualized support they deserve. In addition to emergency life-saving care, crisis intervention, and psychedelic harm reduction, WBRM provides basic assistance to support wellness and safety including basic needs supplies, bug bites, bandaging, blisters, and even sick kids. At events, our crew provides compassionate and client centered care to participants, event staff, and event volunteers to support everyone in attendance.